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Being ghosted

Why Are You Being Ghosted?

Did you go on just one date and all of a sudden you don’t hear from the person again? You might wonder after one date, what could’ve possibly gone wrong? You might even wonder how you should respond when this happens. Why Are You Being Ghosted After Date 1? Ghosting is something that is a…

Friend Soulmate

Having a Best Friend Soulmate

A soulmate is someone that you meet, and they are in your life for a purpose. Many people believe that a soulmate is someone that can be your best friend and this is because sometimes a soulmate isn’t there for romantic purposes. Best Friends Soulmate You can have a soulmate that is your best friend…

Bellaire House

Bellaire House

The mysterious of the Bellaire House stands out because it has much paranormal behaviors that happen. Here are some of the reasons that this house is so powerful in the spiritual world: The Shawnee and Iroquois inhabit a Native American burial spot that is located in the back of the house. There are religious ceremonies…